Kastel Karlovo JSC has a new warehouse for steel wire ropes, new service platforms, machines and equipment. In the last year, we have invested in a state-of-the-art German 1500 ton four-column hydraulic press machine for the production of slings and a fully computerized hydraulic stand that is used to test the finished products.
Kastel Karlovo JSC manufactures:
- Steel rope slings, including pressed and braided slings with a rope diameter of 2.0mm. to 80.00mm;
- Towing ropes;
- Polyester slings with a load capacity ranging from 500 kg up to 50 000kg;
- Strap ratchet belts with a load capacity ranging from 400 kg up to 10000 kg ;
- Chain slings with a load capacity ranging from 1000kg up to 70000kg;
- Chain fastening systems – for heavy loads.
>> Each item is accompanied by a certificate of quality and a declaration of conformity.
Slings catalogue
Shackles catalogue
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Tel.: +359 335 99117 / E-mail: e.petkanov@kastelkarlovo.com